Report Workshop "Ethnographies"

On 17 November 2023, the first of three transnational project workshops titled “Ethnographies, Travel literature and Description of ‚Land und Leute‘“ took place. It focussed on our analysis of discourses of the In-between, and shed light on our current research steps. Some cooperation partners also took part in the workshop.

In his introduction, project leader Klaus Schönberger addressed general aspects and insights that have arisen during the first months of our cooperation, concerning the question of how to approach the sources, possible analytical strategies in analysing them and the textual co-production. Afterwards, the project members presented first research findings. The transnational project team exchanged ideas on the following topics, perspectives and approaches: “Narratives about the Other in oneself in the 19th century” (Jurij Fikfak), “Ethnographies – in-between national and anational“ (Werner Drobesch, Christian Frühwirth, Gerhard Katschnig, Fabian Prilasnig), “Exploring the In-Between in travel literature“ (Gabriele Brunner, Ute Holfelder, Janine Schemmer), “Identification and in-between practices in Triest in the light of migration and mobility” (Aleksej Kalc), and “Conceptual challenges – defining practices of the In-between“ (Janine Schemmer). The group further discussed the manifold forms and qualities of practices of the in-between we identified in the different, heterogeneous sources.

The findings presented throughout the day will be published in a special issue of the journal Traditiones in 2024.


Workshop "Ethnographies"

In the first year of the project, our research focusses particularly on discourses articulated in ethnographic writings of the 19th century.

On 17 November 2023, we will hold our first workshop in Klagenfurt, where we will discuss first findings of our analysis regarding discourses of the in-between in historical ethnographic writings as well as travel literature, written in and about the Alps-Adriatic region.
